Connecting distributed solar PV projects to the Clean Energy Certificate market in Mexico
This challenge is in phase: Sustainable Business
How might we generate business models that enable distributed solar PV projects to access the Clean Energy Certificates market?
Clean Energy Certificates (CEL for their Spanish initials) certify a given source of power generation as being a clean energy source (e.g. solar, wind, geothermal). The CEL system grants a certificate for each MWh of electricity produced by a generator using clean energy technologies. Large generators of solar photovoltaic projects are already benefitting from additional income from the sale of CELs, while there are currently no profitable business models that allow small generators - such as solar rooftops in residential and commercial sectors - to benefit from the income of these CELs.
By the end of 2017, the installed capacity of distributed photovoltaic solar energy reached 434 MW and, according to optimistic projections, can reach 6 GW by 2024. This segment could benefit largely from additional income that could be generated from the sale of the Clean Energy Certificates (CELs).
Scroll down and download our insights report (in Spanish) to learn more about the clean energy market and the Clean Energy Certificates (CELs) in Mexico.
Business Opportunities
- Lack of knowledge about Clean Energy Certificates
- High expenses associated with the certification
- Amount and value of Clean Energy Certificates
- Requirements for representation in the certificates market
- Efficiency of operation and maintenance processes
Ideate Solutions
Incubate business
3 of 5 ventures are currently in this phase.04
Sustainable Business
Kintec is a platform that digitises solar energy implementation by facilitating investments in the installation of solar panels, especially in underutilised spaces like parking lots, warehouses or unproductive land.
Invictus is a platform that helps Mexican households and companies choose and commission a solar energy provider and groups together similar projects for better offers.