Kickstarting businesses and development in emerging markets



The lab of tomorrow is one of the services for private sector cooperation of the Agency for Business & Economic Development (AWE). AWE operates as part of the business and development network Partners in Transformation

Partners in Transformation is supported by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) to actively promote and strengthen cooperation with actors in the private sector: companies, trade unions, chambers of commerce, associations and other interest groups. Partners in Transformation emphasizes the partnership between the private sector and development cooperation, with the shared goal of achieving a social and environmental transformation in BMZ’s partner countries.

The programmes work with companies, trade unions, chambers of commerce, associations and other interest groups.

Find out more at Private sector | BMZ (German only)





The lab of tomorrow programme for sustainable business co-creation

The lab of tomorrow is a business development programme to solve specific challenges in emerging markets. It inspires European and local businesses to jointly create new products and services that generate long-term impact on the ground.

More Info

  1. The lot drives business
    We bring access to new markets, local expertise and business opportunities in developing countries
  2. The lot builds relevant networks
    We match businesses from the EU and emerging markets to co-create and co-own products
  3. The lot creates social impact
    The new products and services contribute to the UN Sustainable Development Goals

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Our track record

The lab of tomorrow has been the programme of choice by GIZ projects, the Austrian and the Swiss Development Agencies as well as companies to solve specific development challenges all over the world.

Running & completed programmes
Companies participated
Promising Concepts
Ventures preparing market entry
Businesses active in the market
TÜV Rheinland
Boehringer Ingelheim
Africa Works

Your opportunities

Learn how you can benefit from the lab of tomorrow programme.

Solve your development challenge

The lab of tomorrow programme activates the private sector to achieve SDG impact. Your advantages of initiating a programme include:
  • Let the private sector solve your development challenge – we help you identify unmet needs with business potential.
  • As an initiator, you steer the programme and bring in all the people necessary for success. 
  • Benefit from our network and gain access to business partners, development agencies, investors, mentors and policy makers.
  • The impact created by the lab of tomorrow programme goes beyond development cooperation project lifespans.

Develop your business in emerging markets

Expand into emerging markets together with new business partners! Your benefits of participating in the programme include:
  • Business case sourcing: We identify business opportunities in emerging markets for you to choose from.
  • Participant sourcing & matching: We match you with relevant local and international companies in interdisciplinary teams.
  • As a team, you co-create a new product or service and benefit from business development coaching.
  • Partner network access: you gain access to business partners, investors, mentors and policy makers.

Invest in solutions and support innovations

Gain access to impact investment opportunities in various markets and sectors! Your benefits in supporting our ventures include:
  • Be the first to know about investment opportunities in untapped markets.
  • You become part of our strong network of innovators and entrepreneurs.
  • Receive access to invest in our ventures at different stages. We invite you to pitch sessions, demo days and share our dealbook.
  • Bring in companies from your portfolio and offer them interesting business development opportunities.





How it works

Find out how sustainable and profitable business models are created in a lab of tomorrow programme and what’s in it for you.

How it works

Challenge in spotlight

Take a glance at our most recent lab of tomorrow business opportunities.

plastic-waste | thailand

Decreasing plastic waste in Thailand

Ready to create impact?

Currently running challenges

Take a look at our currently running challenges and the potential business opportunities they present for you.


Plastic-waste | Thailand

Decreasing plastic waste in Thailand

This challenge is in phase: Sustainable Business

How might we reduce, reuse or replace single-use plastic in order to decrease plastic waste in Thailand?

Approximately 8 million tons of plastic waste end up in the oceans every year, making plastic the #1 pollutant of marine systems. Over half of land-based plastic waste leakage comes from just 5 countries: China, Indonesia, the Philippines, Vietnam and Thailand. The issue of plastic waste pollution is now at the top of private sector, political and civil society agendas, such as the Alliance to End Plastic Waste and the PREVENT Waste Alliance.



Thailand, with a population of 69.63 million, is the 20th most populous country on earth and generates an estimated amount of 0.2 kilograms of plastic waste per capita per day. Sustainable or low packaging solutions would cater to a big market and could have a tremendous impact on single-use plastic reduction.

Scroll down and download our insights report to learn more about Thailand's plastic waste problem, the Thai market and the business potential of decreasing plastic waste.

Business Opportunities

  • End of single-use plastic beverage containers
  • Green consumer goods production
  • Households & cosmetics packaging
  • Increasing recycled content
  • Processed foods packaging
  • Ready-to-eat food and plastic-free delivery
  • Tourism industry packaging reduction


Ideate Solutions

Ideas developed
Proven Business Models


Incubate business

3 out of 5 ventures are currently in this phase


Sustainable Business


GREENRISE delivers cosmetic and personal care goods packed in reusable containers that can be returned at drop points or via post.


Lilo is a drink subscription app and community that helps eco-conscious cafés and customers avoid single-use plastic waste.

Green Loop

Green Loop collects PET waste and turns it into high-quality raw material that can be reused.

More information

Plastic-waste | Thailand

Decreasing plastic waste in Thailand

This challenge is in phase: Sustainable Business

How might we reduce, reuse or replace single-use plastic in order to decrease plastic waste in Thailand?

Approximately 8 million tons of plastic waste end up in the oceans every year, making plastic the #1 pollutant of marine systems. Over half of land-based plastic waste leakage comes from just 5 countries: China, Indonesia, the Philippines, Vietnam and Thailand. The issue of plastic waste pollution is now at the top of private sector, political and civil society agendas, such as the Alliance to End Plastic Waste and the PREVENT Waste Alliance.



Thailand, with a population of 69.63 million, is the 20th most populous country on earth and generates an estimated amount of 0.2 kilograms of plastic waste per capita per day. Sustainable or low packaging solutions would cater to a big market and could have a tremendous impact on single-use plastic reduction.

Scroll down and download our insights report to learn more about Thailand's plastic waste problem, the Thai market and the business potential of decreasing plastic waste.

Business Opportunities

  • End of single-use plastic beverage containers
  • Green consumer goods production
  • Households & cosmetics packaging
  • Increasing recycled content
  • Processed foods packaging
  • Ready-to-eat food and plastic-free delivery
  • Tourism industry packaging reduction


Ideate Solutions

Ideas developed
Proven Business Models


Incubate business

3 out of 5 ventures are currently in this phase


Sustainable Business


GREENRISE delivers cosmetic and personal care goods packed in reusable containers that can be returned at drop points or via post.


Lilo is a drink subscription app and community that helps eco-conscious cafés and customers avoid single-use plastic waste.

Green Loop

Green Loop collects PET waste and turns it into high-quality raw material that can be reused.

More information


Our partners

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